Ok "I am addicted to ......"
Bubbly Funk Forum - simply the best forum
Jammie Dodgers - are there really any other biscuit?
Crafting - well naturally
the colour orange - just love it
Laughing - must have a laugh everyday :)
I pass this award onto the following for no particular reason other than I love to read your blogs and you haven't had this award before.
Anjie = http://www.pompomemporium.com/frontpage
Hippy = http://hippyhippychic.blogspot.com/
Carol = http://kraftypieces.blogspot.com/
Karen = http://karenscarryons.blogspot.com/
Kaz = http://kazscraftbits.blogspot.com/
The award states that you just fulfil the normal courtesies of contacting the giver and 5 recipients .... then list 5 things you are addicted to...easy really. But if you don't have time please just accept the award which is sent with love.
x - thank you - x