Friday, 6 February 2009

I've been tagged

Hello my snowy chums, I have been tagged by Gez. Well I first thought I'd been labelled for sale in some second hand shop but then I read the post properly and realised that I have to perform some task. The task I had to do was to post the fourth photo in the fourth folder in My Pictures. So here it is.

It is me last Bonfire Night messing about with sparklers. tee hee. Sunj in the background sticking sparklers into an APPLE lol. We know how to party here. lol

I would like to tag Karen, Joanne, Rosie, Suzie and Beth.

- x -


Karen said...'re scraf matches your blog!!! I remember this pic, its great!!!

I have already done this tag Tracey so I will pass if thats ok XXX

Hazel said...

Lovely sparkly pic (that reminds me, Karen tagged me - must do it soon). x

Angelnorth said...

Oooh 'eck, I'm not good at this tagging lark - I always forget! Great pic Tracey, you look so confident holding those sparklers, lol!

Beth said...

OMG Tracey, this is fab lol. You definately like taking risks lol, hee hee. Brill photo and thanks for tagging me darl. XX

Janice said...

Great pic, Tracey - looks like you were having a great time and keeping Sunj in the kitchen!

Gez Butterworth said...

Fab photo. Thanks for sharing it with us in blogland!!
Have a lovely weekend. xx