Sunday, 1 November 2009

watch out watch out there's a ....

Flying over last night were these two rascals. I just managed to snap them before they flew off into the sky.

Actually they were pom pom bats I saw on Anjie's blog made of wool and funky foam. Great fun to make and really quick too.

I'm practising the necklace too but that is taking me much longer to get to grips with. lol Will blog it when I have finished.


Anjie said...

The bats look fab!
Re: Necklace. I only learnt to knit on four needles this year and I know it's a bit like juggling but It's worth persisting, I promise!

Tracy said...

Hiya Tracey
wooohoooo they are so great,luv em!!
Congratulations on being the Nov pin up too!!!!!!!
hugs n stuff

Angelnorth said...

Hee hee, these are great fun - love 'em!

Kaz said...

Love these bats Tracey, but I hope they didn't scare Funky xx

Karen said...

hahahahahaha these are just brilliant Tracey!!!! XXX

Janice said...

lol Tracey, brilliant. Lovely to see your calendar project too.

Interior Addict said...

I love these...really cute.


(12 Days classmate)