Monday, 28 June 2010

Feeling fruity?

Haha don't get too excited especially not in this heat! ;) Finally got round to uploading some photos off my camera. These are some "Fruity Firsts". To start with is a photo of our very first juicy and delicious strawberry from our strawberry patch. It was huge and the next two days I picked a further 14 of the little darlings.

The second photo is an apple from my daughter Kat's apple tree she grew from a pip when she was 5 years old. Everyone said it wouldn't fruit but here is the proof and since this photo was taken I have discovered another apple!

Thanks for your comments about my wakings during last night. I did manage some sleep finally at 3 am and then was up at 6.45 am. Think I'm starting a cold now - trust me to get a cold in summer hey?

See you all soon and fingers crossed it won't be at 2 am again. x


Janice said...

ooh well done with the fruit growing that's fab! Imagine growing that apple from a pip what a great achievement.

Angelnorth said...

Yay - good things come to those whoe wait, as they say! Fab to see an apple on Kat's tree! Hope you get a better night's sleep!

Crafting Queen said...

Strawberry looks yummy, you got your own apple as well!

Karen said...

WOW Kat must be thrilled to bits about the apples! ooooo yum to that strawberry! Its very satisfying growing your own fruit XXX