Sunday 1 July 2012

Introducing a friend for the summer

Please meet my flat friend for the summer, Fanny, or to give her her correct title Flat Fanny.  Now don't snigger I didn't name her.  She is Flat Stanley's (he of the book fame) relative from the USA. Actually a paper doll drawn by the wonderful Lindsay Ostrum.  Please check out what Fanny has been getting up to all over the world on Lindsay's blog.  

Today Fanny helped me pick more strawberries from my garden as Fanny is showing you there are plenty more yet to ripen if the sun decides to return.


Poppit said...

Hee Hee! You're right Fanny and Molly would make perfect pals!! (I'm glad I'm not the only one who amuses myself with inanimate paper cutouts!!). Ps those strawberries look yummy!! X

Janice said...

Love Fanny's stockings and the strawberries - yum! Even in the USA, you wouldn't want to be called Fanny lol.

Gez Butterworth said...

Wonderful to see Fanny has come for a visit. I've been following her travels on Lindsay's blog. Fab looking strawberries too ♥♥

Karen said...

I am going to be good and not say a word about her name!!!!! I do love her & the idea behind her though. Looking forward to seeing what mischief she gets up to now xxx

Tracy said...

Waves...she is cute as a button and yumm strawberries!!!