Monday 31 August 2009

Green Day!

Hola again, cor twice in one day. haha

I've been to Menorca, came back on Friday and thought you might like to be bored with some of my holiday snaps.

Well it wasn't just me, the kids and my husband that went - oh no! Yes you have guessed it - Funky Monkey came too. lol

Here he is on the way to mini golf .....
notice how the lazy bugger is being carried! He refused to walk and it was only across the car park. Although having said that it was very hot and I think he was still miffed about travelling in the suitcase rather than having a seat.

Well needless to say I won the mini golf but no thanks to Funky who messed around with the ball ...
that will teach him to stand too close. haha

We went on an excursion later that day and he doesn't like waiting as you can see, having said that neither do I.More photos soon. :)


Hazel said...

Poor Funky - fancy not having a seat on the plane! Lovely photos x

Kaz said...

Ha hah ha hahahahahaaa fab set of photos. So glad he went along with you, even if he's no good at golf.

Karen said...

hahahahahahahaha!!!!! If I had know you were taking Funky he could have borrowed Quentins hat!!!!

Brilliant photo's Tracey XXX

p.s. Is that a skirt I spy??? Didn't know you had one XXX

Janice said...

You are completely bonkers Tracey! But that is why we love you. That Funky is no better either - great blog post and well done on posting every day of your hols that you were at home.

Gez Butterworth said...

Awe, how could we possibly get bored with your photos Tracey! sorry I'm late catching up. Thanks for making me smile this Saturday evening.xx